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Version: 0.1.10



Options for instantiating a CommandKit handler.

bulkRegisterbooleanN/ABulk register application commands instead of one-by-one.
clientClient<boolean>N/AThe Discord.js client object to use with CommandKit.
commandsPathstringN/AThe path to your commands directory.
devGuildIdsArray<string>N/AList of development guild IDs to restrict devOnly commands to.
devRoleIdsArray<string>N/AList of developer role IDs to restrict devOnly commands to.
devUserIdsArray<string>N/AList of developer user IDs to restrict devOnly commands to.
eventsPathstringN/AThe path to your events directory.
skipBuiltInValidationsbooleanN/ASkip CommandKit's built-in validations (for devOnly commands).
validationsPathstringN/AThe path to the validations directory.