Using ButtonKit
ButtonKit extends Discord.js's ButtonBuilder
to provide a simpler way to handle button interactions. It adds methods like onClick()
to handle button clicks without manually setting up collectors.
ButtonKit is designed for temporary button interactions. For permanent button handlers, use Discord.js's "interactionCreate" event instead.
Basic Usage
- CommonJS
- TypeScript
const { ButtonKit } = require('commandkit');
const { ButtonStyle, ActionRowBuilder } = require('discord.js');
// Create and configure a button
const button = new ButtonKit()
.setLabel('Click me')
// Add button to a row
const row = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(button);
// Send message with button
const message = await interaction.reply({
content: 'Here is a button!',
components: [row],
fetchReply: true,
// Handle clicks
button.onClick((interaction) => {
interaction.reply('Button clicked!');
import { ButtonKit } from 'commandkit';
import {
type ButtonInteraction,
} from 'discord.js';
const button = new ButtonKit()
.setLabel('Click me')
const row = new ActionRowBuilder<ButtonKit>().addComponents(button);
const message = await interaction.reply({
content: 'Here is a button!',
components: [row],
fetchReply: true,
button.onClick((interaction: ButtonInteraction) => {
interaction.reply('Button clicked!');
Always set a customId
when using ButtonKit. This is required to track button interactions.
Configuration Options
The onClick
method accepts two parameters:
- A handler function that receives the button interaction
- An options object to configure the collector
Handler Function
(interaction: ButtonInteraction) => void | Promise<void>
Collector Options
interface ButtonKitOptions {
time?: number; // Duration in ms (default: 86400000 - 24 hours)
autoReset?: boolean; // Reset timer on click (default: false)
once?: boolean; // Listen for single click only (default: false)
// Plus all Discord.js InteractionCollectorOptions
Example with options:
(interaction) => {
time: 60000, // 1 minute
autoReset: true, // Reset timer on each click
once: false, // Handle multiple clicks
Handling Collector End
Use onEnd()
to run code when the collector stops:
.onClick((interaction) => {
.onEnd(() => {
// Disable the button
message.edit({ components: [row] });
Manually Stopping the Collector
Use dispose()
to manually stop the collector. This will trigger the onEnd
handler if one exists.
// Stop listening for clicks