

Besides installing CommandKit to your existing project, you can also start a new one with create-commandkit — a command-line utility used for creating new discord.js bots with CommandKit.


If you want to create a new CommandKit application, simply run the following command:

npm create commandkit@latest

This will start the CLI in the current directory.

Development version

Similar to the main package, you could try the dev or next versions of create-commandkit:


The development version is likely to have bugs.

npm create commandkit@dev


When running create-commandkit, you should be asked the following questions:

  • Directory: Defines where your project will be located. It defaults to the current working directory.

  • Package Manager: Lets you choose which package manager to use — npm, pnpm, or Yarn.

  • Language (Development version only): The language to use for your project — JavaScript or TypeScript.

  • Module Type: Allows you to pick between CommonJS (using require and module.exports), and ESM (using import and export).

  • Bot Token: Asks you for your bot token, and writes it into the .env file where it will be stored.

After these questions are answered, your project solution should appear in the selected folder.