Using CommandKit CLI

Using CommandKit CLI

CommandKit CLI allows you to start, build, and manage your bot application. It also includes features such as anti-crash so you can be rest assured your bot won't crash and go offline during production.


For CommandKit CLI on version 0.1.7 it's recommended to use an ESM project instead of CommonJS due to the behavior of require(). If you're using CommonJS you'll have to use dynamic import(). However, this is not an issue for TypeScript CommonJS projects.

To get a list of the available CLI commands, run the following command inside your project directory:

npx commandkit --help

The output should look something like this:

Usage: commandkit [options] [command]
  -h, --help       display help for command
  dev [options]    Start your bot in development mode.
  start [options]  Start your bot in production mode after running the build command.
  build [options]  Build your project for production usage.
  help [command]   display help for command

CommandKit does not perform type checking on your code. You need to do that yourself using tsc --noEmit command or any other tool of your choice.

Available commands


commandkit build creates an optimized production build of your bot application. By default, commandkit emits the build to dist/ directory in your project. It supports typescript out of the box.

CommandKit also injects anti-crash script in your production build to prevent your bot from crashing due to cases like unhandled promise rejections. Although, it's recommended to handle these cases yourself. You can disable this behavior by setting antiCrash: false in your commandkit.config.js file.


commandkit dev starts your bot in development mode. It supports hot reloading out of the box to automatically restart your bot when you make changes to your code. CommandKit automatically loads your environment variables from .env file in your project directory, without you having to worry about it. It also supports typescript out of the box.


commandkit start starts your bot in production mode. You need to run commandkit build before running this command. This command also loads the environment variables from .env file in your project directory.