Using Signals
Signals are a way to add states and basic reactivity to your commands. It is similar to SolidJS signals.
Creating a signal
Creating a signal is simple, you just need to call the createSignal
function from commandkit
. A signal in commandkit is a function that returns the current value of the signal. It also has a set
function that can be used to update the value of the signal. The dispose
function can be used to dispose the signal and all its subscribers.
const { createSignal } = require('commandkit');
// createValue accepts one param (the initial value)
const [value, setValue, disposeValueSubscribers] = createSignal(0);
// Log the initial value
console.log(value()); // -> 0
// Update the value
// Log the new value
console.log(value()); // -> 1
// Dispose the value's subscribers
Handling side effects
You can also handle side effects with signals, by using the createEffect
function. Side effects are functions that run every time the signal value changes.
const { createSignal, createEffect } = require('commandkit');
const [value, setValue, disposeValueSubscribers] = createSignal(0);
// This will run every time the value changes
createEffect(() => {
console.log(`Current value is ${value()}`);
setValue(1); // Logs "Current value is 1"
setValue(2); // Logs "Current value is 2"
// Dispose the value's subscribers
// Logs nothing because subscribers were disposed
Count command example
const {
} = require('commandkit');
const { ButtonStyle, ActionRowBuilder } = require('discord.js'); = {
name: 'counter',
description: 'A simple counter command',
function getButtons() {
// Decrement button
const dec = new ButtonKit()
// Reset button
const reset = new ButtonKit()
// Increment button
const inc = new ButtonKit()
// Disposal button
const trash = new ButtonKit()
// Create an action row
const row = new ActionRowBuilder()
.addComponents(dec, reset, inc, trash);
return { dec, reset, inc, trash, row };
} = async ({ interaction }) => {
// Create the signal & buttons
const [count, setCount, disposeCountSubscribers] = createSignal(0);
const { dec, reset, inc, trash, row } = getButtons();
// Temporary variable to hold button interactions
let inter;
// Send the initial message with the buttons
const message = await interaction.reply({
content: `Count is ${count()}`,
components: [row],
fetchReply: true,
// Now, we subscribe to count signal and update the message every time the count changes
createEffect(() => {
// Make sure to "always" call the value function inside createEffect, otherwise the subscription will not occur
const value = count();
// Now udate the original message
inter?.update(`Count is ${value}`);
// Handler to decrement the count
dec.onClick((interaction) => {
inter = interaction;
setCount((prev) => prev - 1);
}, { message });
// Handler to reset the count
reset.onClick((interaction) => {
inter = interaction;
}, { message });
// Handler to increment the count
inc.onClick((interaction) => {
inter = interaction;
setCount((prev) => prev + 1);
}, { message });
// Disposal handler
trash.onClick(async (interaction) => {
const disposed = row.setComponents( => {
// Remove the 'onClick' handler and disable the button
return button
// Dispose the signal's subscribers
// And finally: acknowledge the interaction
await interaction.update({
content: 'Finished counting!',
components: [disposed],
}, { message });